Look out for best-selling Ironman, Andy Holgate, on What Britain Buys tonight on C4. Shopping guru Mary Portas’s popular show looks at all the latest buying trends. Set your alarm for 8pm!
“They filmed a segment on the rise of endurance sports,” explains Andy, the librarian who is now one of Britain’s best-known triathletes. “They asked me to take part and give my thoughts on triathlon and in particular ironman: the costs involved, why we do it, why are more and more people pushing their physical limits.
“They sought my opinions after one of the producers had read my books and said I’d be the ideal person to give a ‘normal bloke’s’ opinion on the subject.”
If you’re a triathlete, or at the start of your Ironman journey, there’s no better, more friendly and down-to-earth guide than Ironholgs’ classic Can't Swim, Can't Ride, Can't Run:
• The story of Andy Holgate’s inspirational, epic and life-changing journey to become an Ironman.
• Lubricant, alligators, rubber suits, blisters, pirates, extreme weather, Elvis, tragedy, romance, flesh-eating amoebas, crashes, hospital visits and perhaps the most unusual stag weekend in history all play a part in this amusing and moving tale of one normal bloke’s quest to arrive at his wedding in one piece.
• Oh yeah, that’s right, Andy is due to get married seven days after the biggest physical challenge of his life.
• “Andrew Holgate claims he 'Can't Swim, Can't Ride, Can't Run,' but he can certainly write. His book is filled with terrific lessons on living life to its fullest. I would argue that he can swim, can ride and can run very well indeed! A Great Book!” – Dean Karnazes, New York Times bestselling author and Ultra-Marathon legend
Click here for more information, or to read a sample from Can't Swim, Can't Ride, Can't Run.